Corvallis Walk for Type 1 Diabetes Goes Virtual on Saturday, May 9th



H+A is proud to be a local sponsor of the JDRF Walk for T1D, which has moved online this year to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

For people with Type 1 Diabetes, management of this chronic illness is a 24/7 job. Viral illnesses, such as COVID-19, put  Type 1 diabetics at greater risk for complications. JDRF is the global leader in T1D research, with breakthroughs in treatments, support for persons with T1D and their families, and advocacy.

Please join us this Saturday, May 9th, for the virtual walk to fund research to cure, prevent, and treat Type 1 Diabetes. 

Registration at the following site:

To learn more about our virtual activities for May 9th, please visit:

 All participation and donations are appreciated.