Commendation 2
Commendation 25
Commendation 3
Commendation 6
Commendation 7
Commendation 13
“[Erik Power] did an outstanding job [at a jury trial in 2007]. He was extremely well prepared [and] his testimony and presentations were excellent…[S]everal of the jurors approached me after returning a nearly immediate unanimous defense verdict. [A] juror explained that Mr. Power was the best [of our excellent experts]. He was surprised to hear that this was the first time Mr. Power had ever testified in a trial. ”
— Defense Attorney
Commendation 20
“All of the jurors told us they were most impressed with [Dr. Hayes’s] explanation of the medical causation issue…no one had ‘compared the impact from the incident to the impacts experienced in the ordinary activities of daily living’…They clearly felt [Dr. Hayes’s] explanation was the most persuasive evidence they had in 3 ½ weeks of trial and their short deliberation supports it.”
— Defense Attorney, after speaking with jurors following a Defense Verdict