On Saturday, May 11, over 350 walkers of all ages gathered at the Crystal Lake Sports Field in Corvallis, OR for the 3rd Annual Walk for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) to raise awareness and research funds to help create a world without type 1 diabetes.
For the third consecutive year, Hayes+Associates, Inc., was one of the primary local sponsors of the event. In addition, several H+A staff members were involved in the Community One Walk. Christine Snow, PhD, Professor Emeritus at Oregon State University and current Administrator at H+A, chaired the Walk and H+A Engineering Associates, Kristen Lipscomb and Matt Soicher, both served on the Planning Committee.
The 5K walk blew past its $60,000 fundraising goal to gather pledges of over $75,000. Since its inception three years ago, the Corvallis Walk for T1D has raised over $225,000 for JDRF.
JDRF, founded in 1970 by parents of children with type 1 diabetes, is a global organization whose mission is to fund research to cure, prevent, and treat type 1 diabetes, a grave disease that affects millions of people of all ages, worldwide. To date, the organization has funded more than $2 billion in research.
“Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults suddenly,” the JDRF website explains. “It has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle—and it's serious and stressful to manage as it requires daily insulin injections to survive. There is nothing you can do to prevent T1D and there is currently no cure.” The JDRF tagline is, “Let’s turn type one into type none.”
Other Corvallis Community One Walk sponsors were: Hellig Misfeldt & Armstrong, PacificSource Health Plans, The Adams & Montgomery Family, Samaritan Health Services, the Hennessy Family, Schupp-Plemmons-Cook Wealth Management Group, Gaia Landscapes, North Point Dental Group, and Live Well Studio.
If you missed the 2019 Community One Walk and would still like to make a tax deductible donation, you may visit the JDRF website donation page at (https://www2.jdrf.org/site/Donation2?idb=687849806&df_id=19973&19973.donation=form1&FR_ID=7678&mfc_pref=T&PROXY_ID=7678&PROXY_TYPE=21) or call the JDRF Oregon/SW Washington chapter at 503-643-1995.